Gender Neutrality? Definition? Affirmation?
An insidious concoction in the arsenal of divide and conquer.
It has become overtly dangerous, this poisonous tutelage about LGBTQ "civil rights” drift, and the propagation of "gender neutrality" or “gender affirmation”! It's unconscionable and criminal. Why do I say this?
Although in disagreement with the LGBT “lifestyle”, I had always defended their rights to live their chosen lives in peace, away from religious doctrines and narrow, conservative, or right-wing discriminatory persecutions. I voted for measures allowing same gender marriages. It wasn’t in support of their way of life, as much as in opposition to hateful attitudes and physical assaults.
But the pot has boiled over.
What we are witnessing today is radically different, since it has morphed into an orchestrated and well-coordinated blitz, with sinister aims by the colonialists, collectively called the West: US government, Western Europe, and Israel.
In the US, the capitalist class, its media bullhorns, and multinational entertainment outlets are behind the scenes spreading their poisonous arsenal for social transformation as it were.
Here, recall that “Globalization” is the benignly sounding euphemism intended to camouflage the spread of the destructive monopoly capitalism worldwide. In tandem, cultural domination becomes a prerogative, the long-employed enforcement of Western values and language on the colonized people (Africans, Asians and the indigenous of the Americas). Not only that, but the mental germ labs of US capitalism are intent on turning this into an international pandemic. Accordingly, the US AID (Agency for International Development), famous for implementing State Dept, the Pentagon, and CIA plans under the guise of development grants, is hard at work in Lebanon, the West Bank in Palestine, countries of Africa and elsewhere. In addition, other infamous NGOs like the George Soros Open Societies Foundation, long funding regime change through its creative “Colour Revolutions” have been hard at work granting funds to their international grantees and affiliates to propagate gender confusion plots.
Now, even the sacredness of motherhood has become a legitimate target.
Rachel Levine calls mothers as 'egg producers' while visiting a gender clinic – HotAir
Here’s VP Harris visiting a number of African countries with millions of US dollars to promote (read, threaten and spread) transgender institutionalization under the rubric of “human rights”.
Elsewhere, the newly appointed, gay, Jewish Zionist US ambassador to Hungary David Pressman
In Germany and other NATO countries police are taking children away from parents, who refuse transgender education in schools.
The question arises: why has this issue, in specific, come to be the newest banner representing human rights as the colonialist countries want them to be?
Why does society as a whole have to face a concocted, new divisive issue, this time concerning gender? When has gender ever been a point of debate?? Why create this mind-boggling storm over basics that humanity has lived with and known ever since prehistory. Is it because ours is the age of “enlightenment”?? Most concerning, what about the children, our future? Why confound their minds by forced curricula “instructions” that only introduce hesitation, confusion, and yes, fear in their minds, and eventually bar their ability to think critically?
I’m acutely reminded of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in The Wall, Teacher! Leave them kids alone”!
And which wall are we talking about? It’s the wall of mind control, by engaging the public in busy issues away from the essential, existential realities.
Is this what genuine enlightenment being about? And whence from, the United States?? The most backward among the so-called “advanced” countries!! The USA, who unashamedly reserves for itself the name “America” to the exclusion of all the historically civilized, indigenous peoples of that great continent, wants to teach us what is male and what is female! And the USA wants us to dance to her tune of liberal values because now she wants to redefine family, gender and sexuality according to her dictum of control?
I remember well, when George Bush Sr. and his token “1000 Points of Light” defined family as made up of four: man, woman and 2 children!
That definition was to instill a White, middle-class model, as an unspoken attack on the poor, most of whom were on food stamps, unemployment “benefits”, and WICS programs. It was (and still is) the supremacist European, settler-colonial ideology of blaming the victim (“pull yourself with your own bootstraps” bull shit). As if centuries of committing crimes and stunting the development of those whom White Jesus deemed unfit for inclusion into his usurped heaven, are now fit to shift blame. Or did we forget the generations of enslavement of the indigenous peoples, kidnapped Africans, indentured servants, stolen generations, land theft, mass expulsions, massacres, tortures, and lynchings?
Today, with the eroding middle class, that definition seems to have required replacement. The new family now is without children!! And gender is a state of mind!!!
This whole issue is the product of the huge economic inequalities within Western societies, especially the US, and its dangerously accelerating collapse along numerous fault lines: economic, moral, cultural, racial, and gender. All of which have led over decades to the breakup of families and distortion of relations between the genders.
In the USA there is a vacuum of genuine, people-based role models, male or female. Or did we think that women like the cartoon figures Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, or the opportunistic climber Kamal Harris are role models? Or maybe the Zionist, plagiarizer Mr. Corvette Biden, the neoliberal Obama, or the reactionary narcissist Trump? Can you point to one person, who fulfills the function of role model among all familiar politicians, bankers, supreme court justices, CEOs, military rankings et al.? ONE?! In my humble judgement none of us can.
We therefore need to agree on defining what a role model is. And related to this, we must ask, is leadership a matter of position? Something that drops on us from above? A social rank? Or is it born in the womb of the downtrodden and oppressed? Isn’t it the product of social consciousness, empathy, and sacrifice for change?
Elsewhere, I had alluded to the absence, the erasement of the concept of sacrifice in the “American” mode of life. But I will come back to it in the future. I mention this because, while a citizen of the United States, I am first and always will be a Palestinian. Therefore, I belong to the South of the globe, where 90% of the world cultures and populations live. I’m not religious. I don’t care for the Church, the Mosque, the Synagogue, or any other institutions of extraterrestrial dogmas. So, I don’t approach this new fad from the institutional outlook, where pedophilia is rampant and sexual escapades galore thrive behind ceremonial curtains most of the time. “Keep your rosaries off our ovaries” cried the nuns in Ireland some years ago.
What’s worrying now is the officially sanctioned, the corporate, and top echelon of US society encouraging and fanning a manufactured “debate” about a non-subject like defining gender! And as usual in the US, fulcrum of the colonialist “Western Democracies”, it is all premised on the foundational concept of individual rights, not the extensive rights, and wellbeing of the whole, the society at large.
Because when it comes to society, our measure and analytic criteria must change. The issue here becomes class in the first place, not the individual. But that is something the US capitalist system of rule, and NATO countries, continuously suppress. The System prefers to throw abstract, static concepts (as if never changing and unrelated to historic circumstances) like “liberty”, “freedom” “middle class”, and “democracy” without any contextual meaning. The System prefers and encourages the public to repeat like parrots, and engage in sophistry instead of learned, critical thinking discussions.
How can a public generally estranged from education by Capitalism (the nice sounding, private sector) for decades be able to think critically, when education has always been instituted, like all other human rights, to be a commodity? And what is a commodity? Anything, a product or service, produced for sale. Our homes, our health care, our education, our roads with tolls, public transportation, and on and on. Hence, it goes without explaining that education has been accessible to some but not others. And those “others” are exactly the ones who the US system means to confuse and pacify. Just take a look at the incessantly greedy pursuit of the banks and educational institutions to deny cancellation of student “debt”, now reaching $1.7 trillion and ticking upward! Young adults are therefore hesitant to pursue higher education, when it means that they will spend a lifetime trying to pay their “loans" under the paper-thin pretext of a “contract”. And those already deep in debt, struggling to pay back their student loans, are continuously trying to breath because jobs are scarce in general, and the economy is in general faltering trend.
I continue then with emphasizing class, not the individual, society not the person alone. Where are our collective rights for free higher education? Free health care? Ending the ever-expanding state homelessness? Providing decent public housing? Ending the class gap between the filthy rich and the inhumane state of widening poverty? Do away with the racism inherent in the US system of government? Stop the condition of endless wars? Replace this decadent system of electoral politics, with a contemporary one that does not exclude the poor and those considered “non-American”?
The whole superstructure in the US (ideology, government, police, military, two-party political structure, education, morals, media, religion, to name a few) is anti-progress, but survives on ritualistic fumes of a falsified inception and delusions of the present, while concurrently the specter of fascism raises its head behind the smoke screen of “American Exceptionalism”!
These are the important issues which require our attention and which demand of us to come together to overcome. To drown us in the quagmire of an intentionally pushed and amplified to deafening decibels of cacophony and imagery, is to keep us preoccupied with marginalities, especially to children and new parents, and detrimental to our collective well-being.
Why has gender been transformed suddenly as if it were merely a philosophical idea?? This is not philosophy, but conspiratorial sophistry. This is no longer about “live and let live”, a concept I also abide by. It is about the distortion of rights, about the distortion of responsibilities between the individual and the group, the replacement of collective consciousness and resistance to the wrongs of the System with the forgery of inflated personal, debased "freedoms"!!
The LGBTQ issue has also been employed extensively in entertainment.
Mainstream media (MSM) has increasingly become a sophisticated weapon of public delusion and a vital extension of the arsenal against truth on international and home fronts. In the same vein, as the US lies to us about Palestine, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, and Libya, Hollywood inundates us with films and TV productions (you can hardly watch a TV series or a movie without characters engaging in same gender sexual relations as if natural); the Congress holds hearings and conducts debates; school boards across the country develop new curricula to “educate” children about accepting the new “normalcy”, and the list goes on.
Think! Think of the social ramifications and the future of society, where we become overwhelmed by the raging torrent of distortions and deviant indoctrination. Our children and future generations need our guidance today so they may become the wise leaders of the future.
Shame on the “American” uneducated society, standing hapless against dogma.